Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tips For Choosing a Blood Glucose Meter

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes then you know that you are going to be in for some changes in your life. Most of the time your diet and exercise routine will have to change to help keep your blood glucose levels under control. Diabetes is not something that can be taken lightly, because it can cause quite a few medical problems and in the worst case even death. The best way to keep your blood glucose levels under control is using a blood glucose meter. If your blood glucose levels get out of whack, then you might have to take extra insulin to get your level within the normal range. Your blood glucose meter will become one of the most important things that you have to try to combat diabetes. There are many different kinds of blood glucose meters available on the market today, so here is some of the things that you will need to consider when picking the meter that is right for you.

Most insurance companies will usually cover most of the cost of a blood glucose meter, so the differences between the meters should be the only things you need to know about to make your selection. All blood glucose meters need 1 micro liter or less of blood to perform a blood glucose test, but some meters use less than others. Also most meters can perform the test within ten seconds, but some can do it as fast as three seconds, so this can also be a factor in your decision. Also some meters come with more options than others. You can get information about how certain food has affected you between readings, you can connect some meters to your computer, and some meters just give you a simple score. You need to decide what you want from your meter and pick the one that is right for you. All of these options can help you choose the meter that will help you manage your blood glucose levels effectively, because that is the only reason to buy a blood glucose meter in the first place.