Sunday, December 10, 2006

Effects of Diabatese

There is no annual medical checkup routine in Indain society, so the problem because of it so alarming. Only after developement of problem one able to identitify that there is a disease. So how to readicate it. I found the usefull information from site called

Main key to handle Diabetes is to change your lifestyle. Diets, regular physical activity and weight reduction will help you to prevent diabetes. Following sites will give you more information about Diabetes and how to handle it.

American Diabetes Association

Heart of Diabetes

Diabetes India Association

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - For Kids

Eat Right

Developments to watch:

One of the burdens diabetes patients face is the constant need to monitor their blood sugar by pricking their fingers. There will be a painless alternative in few years. Oculir, San Diego, CA, USA based company is developing a monitor that reads blood sugar levels by inspecting the tiny blood vessels of the eye, without ever touching the eyeball! The monitor works by bouncing a harmless beam of infrared light off the white of the eye. Although invisible, the spectrum of light in the probe is just the right wavelength to interact with glucose molecules in blood flowing through tiny vessels in the thin membrane covering the eye. According to this company, the light reflected back is proportional to the amount of glucose in the blood. If everything goes well, commercial version of this device could go on sale in 2009.