Saturday, January 13, 2007

Diabetes and Glyconutrients

Today, most people with diabetes are only treating the symptoms. And many medications given to people with diabetes are actually compounding the underlying cause of the disease.

The best way to manage your diabetic condition is to address the actual cause. Doesn't that make more sense? So let's look at what type 2 diabetes really is.

The Simple Explanation

Other than the genes you inherited, there are two primary causes of diabetes:

1) a long-term diet that has been high in carbohydrates, and

2) nutritional deficiencies.

Your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar (glucose) which then enters your blood stream. The more carbohydrates consumed, the higher your blood sugar goes. In response, your body produces insulin. Insulin's job is to push the blood sugar into the cells so they can use it for energy.

On the surface of the cells in your body are insulin receptors, which act like little doors that open and close to regulate the inflow of blood sugar.

After many years of consuming a high-carbohydrate diet, your cells have been bombarded with so much insulin that these doors begin to malfunction and shut down.

With fewer of these doors open, your body needs to produce even more insulin to push the glucose into the cells. More insulin causes even more doors to close and as this vicious cycle continues a condition called "insulin resistance" sets in.

When your body can no longer produce enough insulin to push the blood sugar into the cells, type 2 diabetes develops. It is simply an extreme case of insulin resistance.

The key point for you to understand is that your energy, wellness and longevity are primarily dependent on improving the sensitivity of your cells to insulin -- how well your cells open and close the doors and clear sugar from the blood.

What's the Bottom Line?

Since type 2 diabetes is really a severe case of insulin resistance, the solution to your condition is to find a way to increase the sensitivity of your cells to insulin and help your body get the sugar out of the blood and into the cells so it can be metabolized and turned into energy. (This inability to metabolize sugar is one of the reasons why most diabetics often feel tired and fatigued.)

The Deadly Effects of Excess Insulin

Your "metabolism" is the food processing and energy production system of your body. It is made up of many extremely fine-tuned internal processes, and can be thrown off by even the tiniest of imbalances.

Insulin is the master hormone of your metabolism. When it is out of balance and your insulin levels are consistently elevated, a long list of deadly complications are created:

* Heart Disease
* Hardening of the Arteries
* Damage to Artery Wallsv * Increased Cholesterol Levels
* Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies
* Kidney Disease
* Fat Burning Mechanism Shutdown
* Accumulation & Storage of Fat
* Weight Gain

In his best-selling book, "Protein Power," Dr. Michael Eades wrote, "When insulin levels become too high... metabolic havoc ensues with elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, diabetes, and obesity all trailing in its wake. These disorders are merely symptoms of a single more basic disturbance in metabolism, excess insulin and insulin resistance."

Nutritional Deficiencies from Excess Insulin

Science has shown that excess insulin also causes your body to become deficient in many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It's a proven fact that being deficient in these nutrients is directly linked to and a cause of high blood sugar levels.


Chromium is essential to proper metabolism and maintaining safe sugar levels. Excess insulin depletes your body's chromium. In "Protein Power," Dr. Eades further states, "The insulin receptor, the structure on the surfaces of your cells that actually become resistant to insulin, requires chromium to function properly. Deficiency of chromium is rampant - it affects 90% of the American population - because a diet high in starch and sugar puts a heavy demand on the insulin system to handle the incoming carbohydrate load, and that demand depletes chromium."

Chromium is critical to blood sugar metabolism and, and as a diabetic you can be pretty sure that you are severely deficient in this nutrient. If you ever wondered where your "sweet tooth" and sugar cravings come from, now you know - chromium deficiency!

Calcium and Magnesium are also depleted by excess insulin, which can cause many problems, as they are critical to over 200 biochemical processes in your body.

Other very important nutrients that excess insulin causes deficiencies in are Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vanadium, B Complex vitamins, essential fatty acids, and many more.

Now that you know how and why people develop type 2 diabetes and know some of the consequences of not controlling your blood sugar level, here are your choices:

You can continue on with what you've been doing...

Or you can research the science and testimonials surrounding Glyconutrients.

Fortunately, your body has miraculous healing powers, is very resilient and operates in a very intelligent manner. If you give it the right fuel and the right nutrients, it will respond very quickly. Some exercise and the right attitude also help!

The first step is to switch your body from an out-of-control, nutrient-depleting and fat-storing machine into a clean, nutrient-rich, fat-burning machine!

To do this you must:

1) Restrict the carbohydrates in your diet, and
2) Take the right nutritional supplements.

These two actions are not optional or negotiable! Your body will only burn fat (and properly utilize nutrients) if its metabolism is balanced. Doing 1 and 2 above on a regular basis is the only way to address the root cause of your diabetic problem and balance your body's metabolism for the long-term.

The Importance Of Following And Maintaining A Diabetic Diet

A diabetic diet is a specially designed eating plan that is high in carbohydrates and low in fat. People with diabetes don't need to go out and purchase special foods to maintain a diabetic diet, they can eat the same foods as the whole family. A healthy diet based on the diabetes food pyramid is beneficial to diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

Making healthy food choices is not so hard. All it takes is a little bit of planning to include all your favorite foods. But first, you need to understand the basics of a diabetic diet.

A diabetes diet or meal plan should be based on the specially designed diabetic food pyramid. The diabetes food pyramid groups foods based on their carbohydrate and protein content and not on how they classify as a food. Foods are divided into six groups, with fats, oils and sweets on the very top (so eat less of these) and bread, cereals, pasta and rice on the bottom (so eat more of these).

Breads, cereals and the like are foods that are high in carbohydrates. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests 6-11 servings per day. Sample servings are: 1 slice of bread; ¾ cup dry cereal or 1/3 cup of rice or pasta.

Vegetables should also be eaten in plenty as they are naturally low in fat and a high in fibre, not to mention vitamins and minerals. The ADA suggests eating 3-5 servings per day. A sample serving is 1 cup of vegetables (raw) or ½ cup (cooked). Fruits are also recommended, so add about 2-4 servings, which translates to about 1 small fresh fruit or ½ cup canned fruit. Eat a little less of meat and beware of foods like potato chips, candy, cookies, which have high levels of sugar and fat.

Your fat and sugar intake should be limited. The ADA suggests keeping servings very small (sample serving size is ½ cup of ice cream or 2 small cookies) and to keep them for a special treat.

A quick Internet search for "Diabetes diet" or "Cooking for people with diabetes" brings up numerous dietary suggestions in the form of recipe books to buy and have at home or online diet recipes which you can print out and use. The ADA has a "Recipe of the Day" section with lots of great ideas targeted at those living with diabetes or friends of diabetics. As for books, the ADA recommends "Mr. Food's Quick and Easy Diabetic Cooking" and Nancy S. Hughes's " Quick & Easy Low-Carb Cooking for People with Diabetes".

The right plan will help diabetics improve blood glucose levels, blood pressure, cholesterol and keep weight balanced. To complement your diet, add regular exercise to your lifestyle to help your body use glucose.

Friday, January 12, 2007

How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by the inability of the body to either produce or respond to insulin making it impossible to maintain proper levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The extra glucose is excreted in the urine and because of the high level of glucose more water is flushed through. The diabetic experiences excessive urination and thirst.

The term Diabetes mellitus literally explains these symptoms: The Greek term diabainein, means "to pass through" (referring to the excessive urination) and mellitus comes from the Latin "sweetened with honey" (referring to the excessive presence of sugar).

There are basically two major types of diabetes: Type 1 (insulin-dependent) and Type 2 (non-insulin dependent).

Type 1 (formerly known juvenile-onset diabetes, because it is diagnosed in children or young adults) is caused by both genetic and environmental causes. In this case, the person's immune system produces antibodies that destroy the cells that produce insulin. Because the body can't produce insulin on its own, daily insulin injections are required.

Type 2 (formerly known as adult-onset diabetes, because it normally appears in people aged over 40) is the most common form of diabetes, accounting for about 90% of cases. Genetic factors play a major role in the development of Type 2, but obesity is also a major factor. A typical Western lifestyle means a diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates and a minimal exercise plan and these habits are strong risk factors. Interestingly, people who do not live in Westernized areas do not tend to get Type 2 diabetes, regardless of their family history.

A third type of diabetes, known as Gestational Diabetes, affects women who have high blood-sugar levels during pregnancy. This should be monitored as it can adversely affect the baby. There is also a high probably that women who experience gestational diabetes will develop Type 2 diabetes at a later stage.

Diabetes symptoms to watch out for include; frequent urination, excessive thirst and hunger, unusual weight loss, increased fatigue, irritability and blurry vision. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) website is an informative starting point for all. Visit the site today and take the Online Diabetes Risk Test, which can help you determine if you are at risk of developing diabetes. If you are deemed at risk and are experiencing one or more of the above mentioned symptoms you should see your doctor immediately.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes the ADA website has informative articles the disease, plus lots of suggestions on lifestyle and diet changes for those diagnosed with diabetes. A quick Internet search for "Diabetes Supply" will also bring up various sites offering products suitable for those living with diabetes.

Diabetes Awreness There's No Substitute for Good Friends

Was there a time when you relished the idea of giving dinner parties?

What a great opportunity to bond with old friends, try out a few new recipes, and find a reason to clean up the house!

Has diabetes robbed you of the enjoyable events involving your friends and family?

Diabetes has an ugly characteristic of wrecking the lives of it's victims by forcing them into seclusion.

If you have been neglecting the enjoyable events of your life, please take action to control your diabetes. With a "proactive" mind-set, you can control and beat diabetes!

You, your friends, and especially your family will love you for taking control. Get back to the fun things in life,,,, Take control of your diabetes.

Ask your doctor about diabetes and have your blood sugar checked several times a year.

For more information about diabetes, including a Diabetes Quiz and a Free booklet, visit the Hope4Diabetes website at:

This 20 page FREE booklet will provide you with in-depth information on comprehensive diabetes care. The 7 principles, or steps, will help you to understand, manage and diagnose your potential diabetes risk.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Diabetes Awareness Will They Recognize You?

Imagine how it feels to look younger, feel younger, and act younger! Now, think about how others see you. Are you ready to make a lasting impression on your friends and family? Great!

Taking charge of your diabetes through exercise can give you a younger look and feel not to mention …… a younger attitude!

As you read this message, remember this: You don’t pay the price to improve your health, you reap the benefits of being healthy!

Treatment of diabetes has gone through dramatic changes in the past two decades. Previously, exercise was often overlooked as a “cornerstone” in its treatment as it was difficult to maintain blood sugar levels with the additional variability introduced by physical activity, especially for individuals with type 1 diabetes.

However, with blood glucose meters now being readily available and affordable, exercise can be done safely and without fear of severely upsetting an often delicate glucose balance.

The usual health benefits of exercise apply to individuals with diabetes as well, perhaps even more than normal.

Much of what we attribute to the aging process really results from disuse (for example, muscle atrophy, or loss of flexibility in joints). Diabetes, especially when blood sugars are poorly controlled, accelerates the normal aging process, as well as certain disease processes such as heart disease.

Thus, regular exercise can help slow aging and reduce long term complications associated with poor blood sugar control and diabetes.

These diabetes-related benefits can not be understated! Not only can you enjoy your favorite physical activity, but also you can help your diabetes and health too. In fact, regular exercise is the most important activity you can do to slow the aging process, manage your blood sugars, and reduce your risk of diabetic complications.

Diabetes Awareness Will They Recognize You?

When you go to work, your diabetes goes with you.

You get up, get showered, get breakfast, get to work. You have bills, therefore you have a job.

But you also have diabetes. You have to care for your diabetes while you're at work. Here are 10 tips for merging your diabetes care with your career.

1. Wear medical identification jewelry

- If you ever need medical assistance at work, the emergency medical personnel will know you have diabetes.

2. Decide who to tell

- All things being equal, it might be in your best interest to let a few trusted co-workers or your boss know. Just for your own safety.

3. Give your co-workers a chance

- Don't just assume that your boss won't accommodate you, or that your co-workers won't be helpful. Give them a chance to grasp what diabetes is and understand how they can help you, particularly if you've been diagnosed since starting your current job. Diabetes may be as new to them as it is to you.

4. Get it in writing

- If necessary, get a doctor's note. It may help to get a medical statement from your doctor saying what your diabetes care needs are. Present it to your company nurse or human resources department, and make sure your supervisor gets a copy.

5. Be your own advocate

- Your local hospital or diabetes center may offer programs through which diabetes educators can come to your workplace and explain to your human resources department, supervisors, or co-workers what diabetes is and how they can make the workplace more diabetes-friendly. See if your employer is willing to host such a program.

6. Don't abuse the system

- Unfortunately, there are people who claim extensive health challenges and reap disability benefits their situation may not warrant. That makes it harder for everyone. It's best to save sick days and disability pay for when you really need them.

7. Plan ahead

- The biggest challenge many people with diabetes face is access to meals and breaks. Have snacks readily available should you need to treat a low.

8. Take your equipment with you

- Keep your blood glucose meter and supplies where you can reach them. Don't leave blood glucose meters or insulin in the car. Extreme temperatures can affect them.

9. Watch out for stress

- Stress can wreak havoc on your blood sugars. Stress can cause either high or low blood sugar. It differs from person to person, and sometimes from situation to situation in the same person. Stress may mask symptoms of low blood sugar, or prompt completely different symptoms. Frequent monitoring is your best defense.

10. Keep good diabetes control

- The best thing you can do to remain productive is to stay healthy. Don't let your diabetes get so far out of control that you're not able to work. If you're eating well, exercising, and controlling your blood sugars, you will have a productive work life.

The payoff from a job well done is that if and when you need to take time off for your diabetes care, your boss and co-workers will remember your good track record and be that much more willing to cover for you or help you with scheduling. By communicating with your employer and taking responsibility for your care, you can incorporate your diabetes care into your work life successfully.

If you feel that your employer is not making reasonable accommodations to allow you to care for your diabetes at work, contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) at: (800) 669-4000 or (800) 669-6820 TTY.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Diabetes Awareness Family of Diabetics

Thousands, if not millions of people have diabetes in their family. It's almost tragic the way things happen because it’s not always a “common knowledge” among families.

I tell you, it's not until it hits you that it's really awful.

Asking questions can help you and your family dodge the serious complications of diabetes. Early detection and active control of blood sugar levels can save lives.

Have you ever heard anyone ask:

Do you have diabetes? Does anyone in your family have diabetes? Is your vision okay or is it blurry? Are your feet feeling okay today?

A lot of people get diabetes, but you know, early detection and taking action can save your life or the life of a family member.

Ask your doctor about diabetes and have your blood sugar checked several times a year.

For more information about diabetes, including a Diabetes Quiz and a Free booklet, visit the Hope4Diabetes website at:

This 20 page FREE booklet will provide you with in-depth information on comprehensive diabetes care. The 7 principles, or steps, will help you to understand, manage and diagnose your potential diabetes risk.

It could help you live a longer and more active life. The booklet is Yours absolutely FREE - No Risk! Share it NOW with the people you love and want to Keep alive!

Diabetes Awareness Wake Up Call

When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments.

Here is an important wake-up call for your life and the lives of the people you most care about.

If you want to avoid the life damaging effects of diabetes, take 3 minutes to read the remainder of this article right now.

The new buzz in the medical community calls it- "Pre-Diabetes". Today, roughly 41 million Americans have pre-diabetes which left undetected and untreated, progresses into full-blown diabetes.

The challenge with pre-diabetes is the fact that the condition doesn't like to reveal itself with noticeable symptoms. Because there are few, if any symptoms, most people will not bother having screening tests performed. With pre-diabetes, noticeable symptoms like frequent thirst and urination may not occur until the disease has progressed and is already causing considerable damage to your body. Most Type 2 diabetics don't have symptoms because the onset of diabetes is so slow.

Don't wait for "someday" to have your blood tested. Call your doctor today and make the appointment.

The goal with identifying pre-diabetes is to prevent the onset of diabetes from ever happening.

Your physician can determine if you have pre-diabetes with two common tests. The fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) and the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Both require an overnight fast.

The good news is that you can greatly improve your odds and likely prevent diabetes with early detection and proper care.

Don't wait 'til it hurts. Ask your doctor about diabetes and have your blood sugar checked several times a year.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Profect Solution for Diabetics

Diabetes, which affects more than 6% of the US population or over 18,000,000 people [i], is diagnosed when the body is not creating or effectively utilizing the hormone called insulin. As a result, much-needed energy from sugar, starch, and other sources are not being exploited as effectively as they should. This can lead to severe adverse health consequences, including nerve, ocular, and kidney problems [ii].

While genetics and environmental factors play a role, the exact cause of diabetes is as yet undetermined. However, one thing is precisely clear to those with this condition: eating right is vitally important.

Generally speaking, people with diabetes do not eat a standard “one size fits all” diet. Rather, they must adhere very closely to the healthy eating guidelines prescribed by their doctor.

However, these recommendations, which generally apply to the general public as well [iii], include principles such as eating a low-fat diet, and limiting calories from saturated fat to less than 10% of daily caloric intake. The recommendations also include eating complete sources of protein, and limiting calories from protein to 20% of daily caloric intake [iv]. It is worth noting that protein also plays an added support role in a diabetic diet, because protein can slowly transforms into glucose. As such, ingesting appropriate amounts of complete protein can help a diabetic manage blood-sugar levels.

At the same time, maintaining low blood pressure is of enhanced important for those with diabetes. As such, a diet that helps maintain a healthy body weight is essential, since high blood pressure is related to obesity and overweight conditions [v].

Diabetics know full well they should eat a calorie-smart diet that is low in fat, fortified with complete protein, and scores low on the Glycemic Index [1]. Yet quite often what is lacking is time to ensure that this diet is maintained.

Unlike individuals without diabetes who can, if they must, “snack” on unhealthy foods from time to time, persons with diabetes are well advised by their qualified doctors to ensure that a very healthy eating regimen is consistently followed. Yet following this regimen is indeed difficult; especially since so many foods in restaurants and vending machines are utterly devoid of healthy ingredients.

At most, one might expect to find some low fat options when eating out; but these usually have high calories, high sodium – to compensate for flavor lost due to reduced fat – and a high GI score. None of this is welcome information for diabetics.

Fortunately, a product called Profect has been medically engineered to provide diabetics with a practical eating solution. Profect, with its low Glycemic Index, contains absolutely no sugar. Therefore, diabetics do not have to worry about their blood sugar levels spiking after eating a serving of Profect.

As an added benefit to those with diabetes, Profect contains 25 grams of complete protein [2] -- and zero fat. As such, Profect can be eaten along with other foods to slow down the overall absorption cycle. Ultimately, this means that Profect can effectively reduce insulin spikes and the subsequent creation of fat cells; which, as noted above, can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure.

Yet perhaps most appreciated by diabetics is the fact that eating Profect is very convenient. It requires no cooking ability, nor the creation of a messy – and potentially poorly configured – health “shake” that might actually add too much protein to the system, and lead to adverse toxic buildup.

The fact that Profect is convenient may seem like something of a marketing “benefit”, to be touted on a website or a package container, but the reason for this has nothing to do with marketing appeal. People with diabetes, just like most of the population, lead busy lives in which time is of the essence. Finding 2 or 3 hours each day to create foods is oftentimes unrealistic.

It is because of this need for a convenient and easily accessible food that Protica Research created the 2.7 fluid ounce container to protect each serving. These containers are extremely strong, easy to carry and store, and are deliberately suited for busy, time-starved lifestyles.

Dealing with diabetes is a reality that more than 18 million Americans face each day, and over the next 2 decades the rate of diabetes is expected to increase by almost 250% throughout the developing world [vi].

Daily – one might say hourly – some of the finest brains in science are searching for preventions and cures that will help millions of people diagnosed with diabetes to lead full, healthy lives. Aligned with this ultimate mission is Profect’s eating solution for diabetics and healthy eaters alike.

Protein Principles for Diabetes

Dietary considerations can present a Hobson’s choice in diabetes. Even when the intake is nutritious, assimilating it can be another matter. Then there is the problem of progression of diabetic complications if one ends up with excess glucose or fat in the system. Excess carbohydrates in a meal, and the resulting uncontrolled blood sugar levels can be detrimental to any number of tissues, from the lens of the eye, to the neurons, small blood vessels and the kidneys. Fat is also a problem with increase incidences of atherosclerosis, large vessel disease and cardiac complications. What, then is the appropriate macronutrient for the diabetic population? Enough medical literature exists to suggest that in diabetes, proteins are probably the best bet.

Proteins are the natural choice of the body when faced with diabetes. In uncontrolled diabetes, muscle protein is broken down into amino acids to be converted into glucose by the liver. If left to fend for itself, this can create a commotion within the body. Since proteins have to supply enough energy to substitute for carbohydrates, proteins are broken down faster than they are made. The body ends up with a protein deficit, a situation with subtle, yet far-reaching effects on normal body functions. Importantly, for diabetics, a protein deficit has been shown to impair resistance to infections (Ganong WF). Replenishing the depleting protein stores is a vital requirement of all diabetic diets.

Importance of proteins in a diabetic has been well documented. The American Associations of Clinical Endocrinologists have made it clear that not much evidence exists to indicate that the patients with diabetes need to reduce their intake of dietary proteins. The AACE recommends that 10-20% of the calorie intake in diabetes should come from proteins (AACE Diabetes Guidelines). It is in fact believed that this is one nutrient that does not increase blood glucose levels in both diabetics and healthy subjects (Gannon et al).

Nutrition therapy for diabetes has progressed from prevention of obesity or weight gain to improving insulin’s effectiveness and contributing to improved metabolic control (Franz MJ). In this new role, a high protein diet (30% of total food energy) forms a very pertinent part of nutrition therapy. One of the most important causes for type II diabetes is obesity. Excess body fat raises insulin resistance and higher levels of insulin are required to bring down blood sugars as the weight increases (Ganong WF). Another problem with excess fat is the clogging of arteries with atherosclerotic plaques that is responsible for a wide range of diabetic complications. Any mechanism that reduces body fat decreases insulin resistance and improves blood glucose control. Parker et al have also shown that a high protein diet decreased abdominal and total fat mass in women with type II diabetes. Other studies by Gannon et al. and Nuttall et al have verified that blood glucose levels and glycosylated hemoglobin (a marker of long term diabetic control) reduce after 5 weeks on a diet containing 30% of the total food energy in the form of proteins and low carbohydrate content. It is speculated that a high protein diet has a favorable effect in diabetes due to the ability of proteins and amino acids to stimulate insulin release from the pancreas. Thus, a high protein diet is not only safe in diabetes, but can also be therapeutic, resulting in improved glycemic control, and decreased risk of complications related to diabetes.

The benefits of a high protein diet do not end here. Individual protein components of such a diet, when aptly chosen, can have other advantages as well. Dietary supplements containing proteins like whey and casein come highly recommended. Casein is a milk protein and has the ability to form a gel or clot in the stomach. The ability to form this clot makes it very efficient in nutrient supply. The clot is able to provide a sustained, slow release of amino acids into the blood stream, sometimes lasting for several hours (Boirie et al. 1997). A slow sustained release of nutrients matches well with the limited amount of insulin that can be produced by the pancreas in diabetes. A protein supplement containing casein can thus increase the amount of energy assimilated from every meal and, at the same time, reduce the need for pharmacological interventions to control blood sugar.

Whey proteins and caseins also contain “casokinins” and “lactokinins’, (FitzGerald) which have been found to decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive humans (Seppo). In addition, whey protein forms bioactive amine in the gut that promotes immunity. Whey protein contains an ample supply of the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine appears to enhance glutathione levels, which has been shown to have strong antioxidant properties -- antioxidants mop up free radicals that induce cell death and play a role in aging.

Thus, development of a protein supplement containing casein and whey can provide an apt high protein diet and its health benefits to individuals suffering from diabetes, obesity and hypercholesterolemia.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Low-Carb The Role of Insulin

There are three basic units the body uses for energy:

1. Fats

2. Proteins

3. Carbohydrates

All three can be converted to blood glucose. However, while fats and proteins are converted slowly, carbohydrates are converted quickly causing quick spikes in the body’s blood sugar levels. These spikes in blood sugar levels cause the pancreas to create and release insulin until the blood sugar level returns to normal.

Meanwhile, insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas that lowers our blood’s glucose levels is released into the blood as soon as the body detects that blood sugar levels have risen above its optimal level.

Insulin is a very efficient hormone that runs the body’s fuel storage systems. If there is excess sugar or fat in the blood insulin will signal the body to store it in the body’s fat cells. Insulin also tells these cells not to release their stored fat, making that fat unavailable for use by the body as energy.

Since this stored fat cannot be released for use as energy, insulin very effectively prevents weight loss. The higher the body’s insulin levels, the more effectively it prevents fat cells from releasing their stores, and the harder it becomes to lose weight. According to many authorities, over the long term, high insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance and cause serious health problems like the ones listed below:

1. Raised insulin levels and insulin resistance

2. Lower metabolism leading to weight gain

3. An increase in fatty tissue and reduction in muscle tissue

4. Accelerated aging

5. Increased food allergies and intolerances

6. Overworked immune system

7. Increased risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer

Carbohydrates, especially simple carbs like sugar and starch, are quickly turned into sucrose by the body entering the blood stream quicker thereby causing the release of large amounts of insulin. The fewer carbs are eaten, the less insulin is produced by the body, and the fewer calories are stored as fat. Less fat storage equals less weight gain and fewer carbs eaten equals less insulin in the blood and the body using its fat stores for fuel.

The premise behind every low-carb diet plan is that a body that produces less insulin burns more fat than a body that produces lots of insulin. Some plans encourage a period of extremely low carbohydrate intake so that the body will enter a state of ketosis and more quickly burn fat stores - These are usually called induction periods.

Exercise & Diabetes

You are no doubt aware that exercise can help prevent the serious complications that often come with diabetes and heart disease. Research has repeatedly shown that regular physical activity helps reduce the likelihood of having a heart attack or a stroke, aids in weight loss, and improves mood.

But do you know that exercise can also help you reduce your blood glucose levels?

That's right. In people with type II diabetes, exercise may improve insulin sensitivity and assist in lowering elevated blood glucose levels into the normal range.

Here's how. When you exercise, your body uses more oxygen -- as much as 20 times more -- and even more in the working muscles, than when you are at rest. So the muscles use more glucose to meet their increased energy needs.

At the same time, exercise improves the action of insulin in the peripheral muscles, making it more efficient, so you get more out of the insulin your body is producing.

In older people with diabetes, the decrease in insulin sensitivity that comes with aging is also partly due to a lack of physical activity. So regular exercise benefits you now, and for years to come.

Sometimes, it may seem easier to pop a pill or even take a shot than to put on your walking shoes and hit the trail. But the truth is that exercise, in combination with a healthy diet, is one of the best things you can do to take care of yourself if you have diabetes.

Why exercise?

Exercise burns calories, which will help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Regular exercise can help your body respond to insulin and is known to be effective in managing blood glucose. Exercise can lower blood glucose and possibly reduce the amount of medication you need to treat diabetes, or even eliminate the need for medication.

Exercise can improve your circulation, especially in your arms and legs, where people with diabetes can have problems.

Exercise can help reduce your cholesterol and high blood pressure. High cholesterol and high blood pressure can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Treating Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

The toes burn and tingle and sharp pains shoot into your legs. The bed sheets feel uncomfortable on the feet as you toss and turn, trying to get some rest. Your feet felt numb throughout the day, but now feel like they are on fire. Nothing seems to help as you watch the hours on the clock pass by, hoping to fall asleep.

Burning, numbness, tingling, hot and cold sensations, shooting and electrical pain are common sensations felt at rest in painful peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy is an abnormality of the nervous system. There are many different types of neuropathy, but the most common neuropathy effecting diabetics is peripheral neuropathy.

Diabetic neuropathy is described as a loss of sensation that starts in the tips of the toes and gradually works its way up the legs, and in severe case into the hands. It is sometimes referred to as a stocking glove neuropathy because it progresses as if one was pulling on a stocking.

Sixty percent of diabetics have some type of neuropathy in their feet. Five percent of diabetics will experience painful diabetic neuropathy and the incidence increases with age. Over 45% of individuals who have had diabetes for over 25 years will experience some symptoms of painful diabetic neuropathy.

The cause of diabetic neuropathy is not clearly understood. Many believe that the damage to the small vessels surrounding the nerves, from the diabetes, causes damage to the nerves. Others believe the increase in blood sugar causes damage to the nerves. Despite the different theories, studies have shown better blood sugar control helps prevent progression of the neuropathy.

There are currently no treatments to help reverse diabetic neuropathy. There are no treatments which help reduce the numbness. But, there are many treatments to help decrease the pain associated with the neuropathy.

Your doctor may prescribe medications to help with the pain. There are many options, but until recently none were FDA approved for the treatment of painful neuropathy. Cymbalta®, duloxetine HCl, was recently approved by the FDA in September of 2004 for use in diabetic peripheral neuropathy at doses of 60 and 120 mg per day. This is the first drug approved for this use. Similar medications, like amitriptyline, desipramine and nortriptyline, have been used to help decrease pain and help with sleep.

Gabapentin, also known as Neurontin®, has been a successful treatment for painful diabetic neuropathy. Neurontin® was originally approved by the FDA for adjunctive use in seizures, but the benefits of this drug for other conditions, like neuropathy, soon became known. The manufacturers of Neurontin® were caught up in a controversy regarding their marketing tactics for this off label use. Many physicians still use this drug despite the controversy. Tegretol and Dilantin, common seizure medications, can be used in more severe cases. New treatments include lidocaine 5% cream, acetyl-L-canitine, nerve growth factor and Annodyne ®, infrared therapy.

To help treat painful peripheral neuropathy without prescription medications, consider the following tips:

1. Keep your blood sugar in control: Studies have shown that when blood sugars remain high, or roller coaster from high to low, peripheral neuropathy will worsen.

2. Exercise. This is probably the last thing you wanted to hear. Exercise helps increase circulation and stimulates the growth of new vessels which help slow the progression of the neuropathy. Exercising also helps to increase your pain threshold and to provide a distraction from the nerve pain in your feet.

3. Eat healthy. Besides helping to control your blood sugar, eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will add anti-oxidants to your diet. Anti-oxidants will combat the damaging oxidative effects glucose has on your nerves. In particular, try dark-green, leafy vegetables, yellow, orange, and red fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits and tomatoes.

4. Try red pepper powder. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chile peppers. When applied to the feet it acts as a counter-irritant and can help decrease neuropathic pain. Capsaicin can be purchased at your local drug store. If you cannot afford capsaicin, try mixing 1 tablespoon of dry chile powder with 2 tablespoons of baby powder. Place the mixture in a sock and use the socks at night.

5. Try alpha lipoic acid. ALA is an effective anti-oxidant that has been shown to relieve pain associated with neuropathy in multiple studies. To help relieve pain, the dose must be at least 600mg a day. It is advisable to start with a lower dose, as higher doses can cause nausea, stomach upset, fatigue, insomnia and can lower blood sugar. In general, ALA is a safe supplement.

6. Try gamma linolenic acid. GLA is an essential fatty acid found in evening primrose oil. Most of the studies have shown modest results, but the possibilities are still encouraging. Take 360mg/day. Many indications require higher dosages, but side effects with long term use at higher doses may include inflammation, thrombosis (blood clots), or decreased immune system functioning.

Treating painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy is very difficult and many of the above mentioned therapies should be tried and combined. Don't expect any "cures" and make sure you give each therapy a chance to work.

Preparing Your Child and Family for Life With Diabetes

After the initial shock of diagnosis wears off and we become more comfortable with administering insulin shots, scheduling blood tests and mealtimes, and carbohydrate counting we have a chance to look to the future. At that point it really begins to sink in what a long-term commitment parenting a diabetic child really is. We now understand we have been drawn into a different lifestyle that will last as long as we are parents. Even when our child is grown up and leaves home we will still be concerned and involved with the diabetes community.

If you are finding that you are having trouble managing your child’s diabetes let me first share some statistics I found so you realize you are not alone.

35-75% do not follow meal plans all of the time
20-80% do not administer insulin correctly all of the time
30-70% do not record blood-monitoring level properly all of the time
23-52% do not provide adequate foot care all of the time
70-81% do not exercise adequately all of the time

Now that we understand how difficult it is to live with a chronic and potentially deadly disease, the question is how do we teach our children the reality of diabetes while still allowing them to be kids and trying to keep their lives as normal as possible. An experience that if you haven’t run into you soon will is birthday parties. They are everything you need to avoid to keep your child’s diabetes under control but they’re also an important aspect of your child’s life. With some planning you can have both. You can learn the specifics of this and many other situations you will face in my ebook “So Your Child Has Diabetes”. The point is life and diabetes can go on together. Just as important, your child’s friends learn about diabetes and talk about it. They don’t discriminate, they include your child. We as parents need to be adults in these types of situations. We are the voices of maturity, reality and humanity. We are the ones who allow our children to talk about their disease and how it makes them feel as well as keeping them focused on self-care. We are the ones who keep the disease from overcoming our family. When you let your child talk to you about how they feel about having diabetes you will find your child has less emotional stress and better control of their blood glucose levels.

General family stress can greatly affect blood glucose levels. It’s a delicate balance. When your child’s blood glucose levels are out of control it can cause stress in the family and when there’s stress in the family it can cause out of control blood glucose levels. You need to be prepared for these times. The Children’s Hospital that treats my daughter has an excellent Mental Health Department. Other communities have a variety of services they offer. Make yourself aware of them and know where to turn before things start to get out of control.

One of the things that really surprised me was the difference in the way I perceived diabetes and the way my daughter perceived it over time. I found it easier to cope with diabetes as time went on. You get into a rhythm and your comfort level with treatment increases. On the other hand my daughter found that the emotional distress associated with diabetes increased as time went by. We need to be aware that just because we are better at dealing with diabetes it doesn’t mean our children need less of our day to day care. A mistake I made was assuming that my 10-year-old didn’t need me to constantly supervise her blood glucose monitoring. After she went on an insulin pump it was no longer necessary for me to administer insulin. She had been checking her own blood levels for quite a while. Even though she was checking her own blood, while I was giving the shots I was right there to make sure she checked properly and at the correct times. Once she went on the pump that wasn’t the case anymore. I noticed that she wasn’t nearly as conciencious when I wasn’t there. This is just normal in the development of a child. Our children need us to keep them safe while they achieve these developmental skills.

In order to properly prepare our children for life with diabetes we must remember how we feel when we are ill. We hate it. Feeling lousy, unable to enjoy some of our normal activities. Imagine how this is magnified in our diabetic child. They never get a break. No rest from it, no vacation. No wonder they experience emotional problems. Never forget this. Our children need to know that we will always be there for them. They are not facing this alone. Listening to our children about their feelings is important but not enough. We also need to talk to them about what happens if they don’t take good care of their diabetes. We need to be careful. We don’t want our children to think that there is something wrong with them or to feel ashamed if their blood glucose levels aren’t always under control. In this case children are like puppies. They respond better to reward for proper behavior that to punishment for wrong behavior.

Finally we need to realize that preparing for life with diabetes is an ongoing process. You can’t control the process all of the time. Just take care of it one day at a time. With your help your child can understand this process of diabetes control and you don’t have to become “that diabetic family”. With preparation and awareness you, your child and the rest of your family can live healthy normal lives.